
English Below Welcome to the Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS)



协会目前有四百余所会员学校,分布在美国近五十个州,涵盖几乎所有大、中城市。会员学校在校学生人数达十万人以上,教师八千余名。学生的主体为华侨华人的子弟,即第二代移民为主,同时也吸引了越来越多的非华裔美国学生学习中国语言和文化。各地的中文学校都跟当地的华人社团有着紧密联系,服务和影响遍及千万个华裔家庭。因为中文学校每周有固定上课时间和地点,这也为各层次华裔移民和中国留美人员提供了相聚联谊场所,协会鼓励和支持各地学校积极组织参与美国主流社会的各类国际文化交流活动。因此,全美中文学校协会在美国多元文化的环境中,也起到了凝聚华人力量、传播中华文化、促进美中友好的重要作用。 在过去的二十年发展历程中,全美中文学校协会有力地促进了各地中文学校间的横向交流和整体的运作能力。协会也一直与中国国内华文教育机构和组织保持紧密联系,加强与美国各华文教育组织的横向联系,逐步加强与美国主流社会的融合,大力推动了华文教育在华人社区以及在美国主流社会中的发展。协会每年承办和组织中国寻根之旅夏令营、华文教育专家巡讲团来美为华文教师培训等活动。协会还成功举办了全国性大型文化教育项目,比如推动协助适合北美的中文教材的编写和发行,组织学生中文学习程度评估考试;推动美国大学委员会增设中文AP考试,并以此而促进美国各地高中开设AP课程;组织中文SAT模拟考试;组织全国性绘画、中文作文比赛和中华文化知识竞赛;举办文艺巡回演出、国际文化艺术交流等。这些项目在各地的华人社区和美国主流社会中都产生了巨大影响。





145 E Algonquin Rd, Arlington Heights, IL. 60005


CSAUS 12届理事会(Board)

会长:刘申 圣路易现代中文学校
副会长:胡国荣 希望中文学校


黎博 克利夫兰当代中文学校

李华志 明华中文学

梁辉 哈维中文学校

潘建荣 底特律中文学校

唐艺杰 休斯顿华夏中文学校

邢彬 圣地亚哥华夏中文学校

熊亚林 凯瑞中文学校

许兰薇 新泽西华夏中文学校

展望 瑞华中文学校



The Chinese School Association of the United States (CSAUS) was founded in 1994.  It is a national non-profit of Chinese language education in the United States of America.  The mission of the organization is to maximize cooperation and exchange between all Chinese schools in the nation, promote the Chinese language and culture education in the United States and contribute to the overall China-America cultural exchange and cooperation.

With the mission in mind, CSAUS led by her Board of Directors have been working diligently on the following, promoting development and improvement in the Chinese language educational frameworks and systems, coordinating knowledge and resources in the Chinese language and culture education nationwide, providing support and platforms for teaching staff and school management to exchange and learn from each other, enhancing educational training and innovation and improving learning materials, and finally providing support in terms of knowledge, technology as well as human resources.  By doing all that stated above, the CSAUS is able to help promote the long-term and positive development of the Chinese language and culture education in the U.S.  Not only that, but it also contributes to the overall cultural exchange and cooperation between China and United States and impacts positively on the harmonious relationship between the two countries.  Like many other well-reputed cultural and educational organizations, the influence of the CSAUS and the role the organization plays in the field are significant and far-reaching since it was founded 20 years ago.

The CSAUS is composed of over 400 Chinese schools in 44 major or medium-size cities in the United States. There are over 100,000 students and over 8,000 teachers at these member schools.  Life of thousands of families of Chinese immigrants has been impacted by the service provided by the organization and its member schools over the years and the influence of the organization is tremendous. The fact that all member schools provide relatively stable course offerings at stable locations provides not only a social and communicative setting for Chinese immigrants and visitors, but also attracts more and more non-inherit age population to Chinese language and culture learning/education.  The Organization promotes active involvement in various mainstream cultural events and activities by its member schools.  As the largest Grass-root organization for Chinese Americans, CSAUS has been playing an important role in uniting Chinese Americans, disseminating Chinese culture and promoting China-US friendship.

In the past twenty-year growth of the Organization, CSAUS has been effectively promoting operational coordination and exchange between its member schools.  The Organization not only has been maintaining close contact with major Chinese language educational organizations in China, but also keeping a strong cooperative relationship with similar organizations in the U.S. Such efforts have strengthened the merging force of the Chinese community into the mainstream culture.  In the meanwhile, it has contributed to the increasing interest in Chinese language in both Chinese communities but also in the overall mainstream culture.

CSAUS has been well-known and greatly supported by various organizations in both China and United States due to the fact that the Organization with its member schools has solid population base, multi-facet social impact as well as the growth potential.  CSAUS sincerely hope to maintain such strength and keep up the cooperation between various organizations to continue its promotion of Chinese culture in the U.S.

CSAUS’ by-law regulates that the Organization hosts a member conference every other year to keep the dialogue going and maintain active representation.  Next conference will be held at the end of 2016 and a new board of directors will be selected then.  Member schools will vote for the new board of directors.  Since 1994, CSAUS has successfully hosted such bi-annual conference 10 times.  CSAUS has received tremendous support from various organizations and governmental offices.  Officials from the Overseas Chinese Office under the Chinese Internal Affairs Ministry and other Chinese language educational organizations, Officials from the Chinese Counsels, and last but not least, Congressmen and Congresswomen and their representatives of the United States have attended the conference and showed their support.  All board members, including President and Vice President and their staff of the CSAUS are volunteers.  They dedicate their time, expertise and skills to help promote the Chinese language education and have by far achieved what the Organization visioned to achieve.


Mailing address of CSAUS:
145 E Algonquin Rd, Arlington Heights, IL. 60005


Current President and Directors (12th):
President: Shen Liu St. Louis Morden Chinese School (MO)

Vice President: Roger Hu Hope Chinese School (DC)



Bo Li Cleveland Contemporary Chinese School (OH)

Simon Li Minghua Chinese School (MN)
Hui Liang Howard County Chinese School (MD)
Jianrong Pan American Chinese School of Greater Detroit (MI)

Mary Yijie Tang Huaxia Chinese School (TX)

Lorna Xing San Diego Huaxia Chinese School (CA)

Yalin Xiong Cary Chinese School (NC)

Lanwei Xu Huaxia Chinese School (NJ)

Wang Zhan Ray Chinese School (IL)

Honorary President: Antony Ni, Jianjun Wang, Grace Li, Jeff L. Zheng, Norman Ho, Jason Ma, Frank Lee, Nianfa Tang, Kay Q. Liao, Mary Z. Shuai, Xingyu Zhang

For more information, please visit the CSAUS web site at: http://www.csaus.org