The Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS)
and Its National Conferences
The Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS) is a (501)
(C) (3) not-for-profit organization established in 1994 by Chinese
School leaders and educators in the United States.
The goals of CSAUS are to provide information, networking, services to member schools in promoting
Chinese language and cultural education, helping the younger generation to preserve and appreciate Chinese heritage, bridging
educational and cultural exchanges and friendship between USA and the People's Republic of China, and representing its member schools in
marketing and maximizing organizational efforts to gain resources and supports
from related
institutions in the United States and from China.
Currently, CSAUS has nearly 200 membership
in the United States, covering 37 states and all major cities. Most Chinese schools operate on weekends and/or after school hours all year round. Classes
are provided
to anyone who is interested in Chinese
Language and Cultural Arts regardless ethnic and cultural background. Many schools actively participate at local International Cultural events
and serve
as Chinese Community Centers as well. CSAUS has been growing rapidly in the past five years. The
number of student's enrollment exceeded 30,000.
Services and impact reached out to tens of thousands of Chinese-American
families. There are thousands of bilingual Chinese Language
Instructors, Cultural Artists, parents and volunteers teaching, working, and
supporting our schools. CSAUS has successfully
coordinated many nationwide projects such as advocate of a new Chinese textbook
series ("Zhongwen" North America edition), language evaluation tests,
Chinese arts and cultural performance tours in US cities and projects in
bridging friendship among Children in America and in China etc.
CSAUS’s National Conference is held every two years. The First National Conference was held in Columbus, Ohio in October 1995. The Second National Conference was held in Houston, Texas
in December 1997. Conference participants included educators and representatives from Chinese
Schools all over the United States, officials, and
experts from educational institutions in the United States and the People's Republic of China. Both Conferences
were very
successful, which not only provided opportunities for the
schools in networking and facilitated efforts to plan and respond to major
issues in Chinese school development, but also had a great impact on other related organizations to initiate joint efforts with CSAUS and to
allocate more resources to Chinese Language and
Heritage education in the United States. The CSAUS
National Conference was held from December 3 to 5,
1999 in Washington D.C.. Again, it
was a big
celebration for our achievements in the past and a new milestone for its
further development in the new Millennium.
I would like to express my warmest welcome
to each one of you to visit the CSAUS.
Jeff L. Zheng